Is Medical Marijuana Right for Dementia Patients?

Is Medical Marijuana Right for Dementia Patients?

Many people from the older generations grew up in the era of “reefer madness,” where marijuana was portrayed as an inherently evil, life-destroying drug. Even with the legalization of marijuana in some countries, this opinion still stands strong due to decades of propaganda and opposition. But older generations, whose beliefs may be rooted firmly in the stigma of their times, could be among those who benefit the most from medical marijuana.

Modern research is finding all kinds of extraordinary evidence of the efficacy of marijuana for many health conditions. While it is generally accepted as helpful for such things as anxiety and cancer, studies on using cannabis for dementia are currently underway. Since it’s possible to buy medical marijuana in Canada, this could be potentially life-changing research for many older Canadians.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a general term that describes the deterioration of the brain and its ability to function properly. Memory loss, confusion, difficulty with problem-solving, and language loss are the most common signs. While many of these symptoms are normal signs of ageing, dementia is not. It occurs after damage has been done to brain cells that then interferes with their ability to communicate and leads to the symptoms mentioned above.

Dementia is most commonly caused by Alzheimer’s disease (a degenerative disease that accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases), but also includes vascular dementia (mini strokes, or brain bleeds, that lead to cell death) and other progressive brain diseases.

What are the symptoms of dementia?

Since dementia is an inclusive term for many ailments, pegging it down can be a challenge. In general, symptoms include:

  • Decline or loss of short-term memory
  • Difficulty remembering words or names
  • Inability to remember daily life tasks (appointments, paying bills, etc.)
  • Mood changes or irrationality
  • Behavioural changes (agitation, shouting, losing things, etc.)
  • Aggression or even violence

Dementia is typically progressive, meaning the symptoms worsen over time. Risk factors for dementia include age and genetics, which are both unchangeable. However, a healthy diet and active lifestyle can help postpone the onset.

Marijuana and the Brain

The human brain is a marvellously complex organ. Therefore it’s ailments are difficult to untangle. Yet research involving the brain and medical marijuana is proving the two to be quite harmonious.

Within the human body is the endocannabinoid system, which regulates the body’s responses to basic cognitive and physiological processes (memory, mood, appetite, pain-sensing, etc.). It does so by producing endocannabinoids, which are very similar to the cannabinoids found in marijuana.

Marijuana has two major compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Both of these cannabinoids blend almost seamlessly with the endocannabinoids produced by the body, therefore enhancing the body’s ability to regulate many of the above-mentioned processes. CBD, in particular, is known to have neuroprotective effects, including inhibiting progressive neurological diseases.

Because of these known neuroprotective effects, scientists have theorized that cannabis may be applicable for protecting the brain from long-term deterioration caused by the various forms of dementia.

Marijuana and Dementia

To say it straight, the current position of the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada is “[w]hile there is ongoing promising research on the effects of cannabis, there is currently no evidence that cannabis is useful for the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.” However, the fact that they used the word ‘promising’ is promising in itself.

Currently, the greatest hindrance in cannabis studies regarding dementia and other neurological disorders is a lack of organized data. Research is being conducted, but methodological issues are in the way of drawing reliable conclusions.

While a doctor won’t quite yet recommend that elderly citizens buy medical marijuana in Canada, some dementia symptoms have been shown to be helped by cannabis products.

Agitation, aggression, and even violence are some of the most challenging behaviours for family members to manage. These behaviour changes often result in the person suffering from dementia being put in a home for professional care. The medical community is beginning to accept that THC is helpful for these particular symptoms by regulating energy output and brain activity. Clinical trials are ongoing to confirm these findings

Non-human Studies

Human trials are lengthy in nature and complicated to control. Dementia patients need to be studied over the course of a decade or more, so results can be painstakingly slow to acquire. Scientists have turned to testing the effects of THC on mice, and with astounding results. While some disagree with animal testing, mice in one particular study seem to be benefiting greatly from consistent doses of synthetic THC.

The test mice, who are in the late stages of their lives, are steadily administered a tiny dose of synthetic THC over the course of a month. Then they are tested against their non-medicated counterparts in problem-solving skills.

The results show that the slightly stoned mice have significantly more mental capacity for recall (memory), learning, and socializing than the non-medicated control mice. Not only that, but experiments have also shown that older mice who have lost some of their cognitive abilities can actually gain them back when given microdoses of THC.

So, how is this applicable to humans?

Many medications that are tested on mice don’t necessarily translate to human application. Marijuana, on the other hand, has thousands of years of history in human culture. Unlike other prescription drugs, it is known to be mostly benign in terms of long-term negative effects on the human body.

It is multi-fold in its application, covering a variety of ailments with limited side effects. If marijuana can be proven useful for dementia, it could change the lives of tens of millions of people around the world.

Things to Keep In Mind about Dementia and Cannabis

Talking about dementia involves talking about the elderly. Elders deserve our respect and our care, so it’s imperative to be mindful of any recommendations. Before you offer your grandpa a tasty little edible  or a spoonful of CBD honey for his cup of tea, remember that marijuana can have negative effects on memory, balance, and alertness.

These effects may be counterproductive in trying to protect those already suffering from a loss of brain capacity. A poorly judged dose could contribute to an accident and, therefore, a decrease in quality of life.

Ageing brains need all the help they can get, especially if they begin to suffer from the effects of dementia. If it seems like the right fit for the patient, talk with their healthcare provider. Buying medical marijuana in Canada for specific dementia symptoms that cannabis is known to help with, like agitation, aggression, or difficulties sleeping, may be just the helping hand an elderly brain needs.


Marijuana for Pain: the Best Weed Strains for Chronic Pain Relief

Marijuana for Pain: the Best Weed Strains for Chronic Pain Relief

When it comes to the presence of chronic pain in society, the stats are truly depressing. Millions of Canadians live with moderate to severe levels of chronic pain, and a well documented opioid crisis suggests that there is a much better way to deal with it. If you’d like to buy medical marijuana online in Canada, then here we give you the lowdown on the best strains for pain.


Cannabis and Pain

Chronic pain remains poorly understood among the medical community and notoriously difficult to control. Chronic pain is associated with a variety of conditions that often include arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, shingles, and nerve damage. The American Academy of Pain Medicine reported that treatment with painkilling prescription drugs only tends to help 58% of patients.


In addition to physical discomfort, there’s also an important psychological consideration for those suffering from chronic pain. Negative emotions that include sadness and anxiety are prevalent and can often confound the suffering imposed by physical pain.


It’s for this reason that chronic pain can be truly debilitating for some. Given the physical and emotional burden of battling chronic pain, cannabis is often beneficial in providing relief that not only targets the underlying pain, but also helps patients deal with the emotional aspects of a chronic condition.

Combating Pain With Cannabis and The Entourage Effect

Cannabis is much more than THC or CBD. It’s a complex mix of hundreds of compounds consisting of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Compounds exhibit a synergistic relationship between one another to promote the medicinal benefits in what is commonly known as the entourage effect. This means that if you’re looking to obtain maximum pain relief from a particular strain, then ideally, you should understand how the profile of that specific strain lends itself to pain relief.


When it comes to pain relief, there are several compounds that encourage relief more than others. In general, strains that contain a mix of both THC and CBD are generally most effective. In such cases, THC can help numb pain, while CBD is useful in targeting any underlying inflammation contributing to the pain.


Terpenes also play an important role in pain relief. Two terpenes to look out for include caryophyllene and myrcene. Caryophyllene is very effective at targeting pain and inflammation, while myrcene induces the sedation and relaxation that helps many patients deal better with chronic pain.


The Best Weed Strains For Pain

With over 800 recognized cannabis strains globally, it’s not easy for newbies to figure out just where each strain excels. Each strain exhibits a range of qualities that vary widely, and here we narrow it down with a selection of strains that harbour the unique profile to excel in the pain domain.



ACDC is a reliable companion for many of those who live with chronic pain. With a high ratio of CBD:THC, the strain comes in with 14% CBD and negligible levels of THC. Such ratios mean that ACDC is popular among those who can’t tolerate the intoxicating effects of THC, meaning it’s often the ideal strain for those who need to medicate while at work where they need to remain mentally sharp and productive.


The predominant terpenes present in ACDC are caryophyllene, pinene, and myrcene. This winning combo, targets inflammation, anxiety, and delivers a knock-out punch to pain.


Blackberry Kush

Blackberry kush is an Indica-dominant strain that’s well known for its ability to tackle pain. It’s also known to help quell much of the anxiety and stress that those battling chronic pain tend to suffer from.


Blackberry Kush contains THC levels averaging in at 16%, with minimal quantities of CBD. The terpene profile includes a synergistic blend of myrcene, limonene, and caryophyllene, each of which tackles pain, mood and anxiety all in a sweet berry flavour many have come to love.


Master Kush

Master Kush is a potent Indica that’s increasingly popular among those treating chronic pain. Its strong Indica genetics help promote full-body relaxation without the mental stimulation associated with Sativas.


The terpene profile consists of high quantities of caryophyllene and limonene, both of which synergize remarkably well to lower pain while boosting mood.


The White

The White is a hybrid strain with Indica-dominant qualities. This one is potent with high levels of THC that average in at 20%. The White exhibits a unique terpene profile consisting predominantly of caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene that help quell pain, induce relaxation, and provide that welcome boost in mood to those living with chronic pain.


OG Kush

OG Kush is renowned for its high levels of THC that can reach up to 23%. It’s Indica-dominant qualities help induce pain relief and promote a mild euphoria. The higher levels of THC present mean that OG Kush is exceptionally potent, and this is probably one best reserved for when you have no prior engagements.


A winning blend of the terpenes myrcene, caryophyllene, and limonene constitute the principal terpenes. Each synergizes with the THC to provide pain relief while also helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.



Harlequin is a versatile strain that’s useful in treating a host of medical conditions. This old favourite has long since been a reliable companion to those battling chronic pain. With balanced THC and CBD content averaging 5% and 9% respectively, it delivers on pain relief without extreme intoxication.


Harlequin is a Sativa-dominant strain, meaning that it usually provides the cerebral stimulation that many patients enjoy. The low quantities of THC ensure that the psychoactive effects won’t overpower. However, the quantities are high enough to ensure some potent synergies play out between the plant compounds, meaning the strain tends to deliver excellent relief.


Buy Medical Marijuana Online in Canada For Pain

Medical marijuana is one of the most effective treatments for chronic pain. Compared to opioid medications, the lack of serious side effects makes it a very valid option for those who respond to it.


If you’d like to buy medical marijuana online in Canada to treat your pain symptoms, then at My Pure Canna, we’ve got an extensive range of cannabis products from which you can choose. With abundant flower, concentrates, edibles, and CBD products, you’ll be sure to find the ideal strain and product for optimal relief, and best of all, relief may only be a mouse click away!


Can Cannabis Help Treat Cancer?

Can Cannabis Help Treat Cancer?

The efficacy of cannabis as a treatment for cancer is still widely debated among the medical community. While scientific studies on animals show much promise, the results don’t always transfer across to human studies. 


Cannabis may not cure every type of cancer, but it can undoubtedly assist in certain instances, not least in helping patients manage the debilitating side effects of conventional treatments. If you want to buy medical marijuana in Canada and are wondering how effective a treatment it is for cancer, then here’s what you need to know.


The Research On Cancer and Cannabis

Back in 1975, a landmark study demonstrated the first evidence for the cancer-fighting properties of cannabis. In the study, researchers were able to show that both THC and CBD could inhibit the growth of certain lung cancer cells, while follow-up studies showed that cannabinoids destroyed glioblastoma cells found in mice with brain cancer while leaving normal healthy cells unharmed.


Until now, most of the research carried out on cannabis as a treatment for cancer involves animal subjects, and it shows that cannabis is effective in fighting some forms of cancer via the following mechanisms.


  • Promotes cell death through a process known as apoptosis.
  • Promotes angiogenesis, a process that inhibits the development of new blood vessels in tumours.
  • Blocks cell division.
  • Reduces the metastatic capacity of cancer cells to help curtail the spread of cancer.


Cannabis and Cell Apoptosis

One of the most promising findings with cannabis relates to apoptosis. Apoptosis is the natural process whereby the body destroys old cells as it grows. At its core, cancer results from the growth of malignant cells that hide from the immune system, meaning they continue to grow despite the body’s instructions to destroy them. As these cells continue to proliferate, they can soon become problematic before developing into a full-blown tumour.


Evidence suggests that CBD can impair cancer development by inhibiting cancer cell reproduction in a process regulated by the endocannabinoid system. Research shows that CBD, which indirectly stimulates the CB2 receptors in the immune system, helps alert the body to the presence of malignant growths before promoting apoptosis.


Rick Simpson: A Cancer Success Story

Cancer comes in many forms. And while the evidence suggests that cannabis may help treat some forms of cancers directly, the medical community is somewhat reluctant to recommend that patients use cannabis as a substitute for conventional cancer treatments.


Despite their reluctance, there are several instances where patients have successfully treated cancer with cannabis alone. Perhaps the most famous example is the Canadian medical cannabis activist Rick Simpson who took to administering cannabis oil for a skin cancer diagnosis. He developed a high-THC cannabis oil from Indica-dominant strains, now known as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). He applied the oil to his skin with bandages over several days and began to notice gradual improvements before his cancer eventually disappeared.


Despite the positive anecdotal evidence, few in the medical community accept that cannabis is superior to conventional treatments. But while the jury is still out on the ability of cannabis to target tumours directly, few contest the power of cannabis to help cancer patients deal with the debilitating side effects of conventional cancer treatments.


How Cannabis Helps Cancer Patients Manage Nausea, Appetite, and Pain

One area where the efficacy of cannabis is widely accepted is in the management and treatment of the common side effects associated with traditional treatments like chemotherapy.


Many of those undergoing such treatments tend to suffer from nausea, a lack of appetite, and pain — three areas where medicinal cannabis excels. But while the benefits of cannabis in the treatment of such conditions are undeniable, patients should bear in mind that there are possible interactions between cannabis and chemotherapy medications that may compromise the efficacy of the chemo treatment.


A 2018 study shed some light on the possible interactions between chemotherapy drugs and cannabis. The interactions are due to the CYP enzymes involved in metabolizing chemotherapy drugs. When combined with cannabis, their presence may result in dangerous concentrations of toxic chemicals in the blood.


One way to avoid this potentially dangerous scenario is to select an administration method that bypasses the liver. This means avoiding oral administration and consuming cannabis via inhalation, topically, or rectally to avoid potentially dangerous interactions.


Cannabis As a Holistic Treatment

In addition to treating some forms of cancer, the effects of cannabis also extend to mood benefits. Many of us know how difficult cancer treatment can be, and the mood enhancement benefits of cannabis are no small thing.


Whether to lighten the mood, laugh with others, or to help manage chronic anxiety around the future, the benefits of cannabis extend far and wide.


When using cannabis for medicinal benefit, it’s important to remember that cannabis is much more than THC or CBD. The cannabis plant has hundreds of compounds that include minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. When present in their natural ratios, these compounds all act synergistically to promote further medicinal benefit.


This becomes especially important when using cannabis to alleviate the side effects of traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. A 2011 study described the role that terpenes play in enhancing the impact of major cannabinoids like THC or CBD. Cannabis strains with high quantities of the terpenes caryophyllene, linalool, and myrcene offer relief in three key areas affecting cancer patients by providing pain-relief, relieving nausea, and enhancing appetite.


Buy Medical Marijuana in Canada

It’s important to discuss cannabis use with your medical practitioner if you have a cancer diagnosis. Several medical professionals have expressed their sadness for patients who forewent traditional treatments for advanced forms of cancer and instead opted to self-administer cannabis. While it undoubtedly helps fight some cancers and improve the quality of life of those undergoing chemotherapy, it’s important to be prudent. While the future seems extremely bright for medicinal cannabis, there’s still a long way to go for the medical community in understanding the full workings of the cannabis plant.


If you’d like to buy medical marijuana in Canada for cancer treatment or otherwise, then at My Pure Canna we’ve got you covered. With an extensive line of cannabis flowers, edibles, and concentrates, we’ve got your preferred option, and it’s only a mouse-click away!


How to Make Distillate Infused Cannabis Edibles

How to Make Distillate Infused Cannabis Edibles

The recent wave of legalization means that it’s now possible to consume cannabis in a huge variety of ways. With the option to buy concentrates online in Canada, it has never been easier to make your own edibles at home with minimal fuss. Here’s how to make some delicious distillate-infused cannabis edibles at home.


What is Cannabis Distillate?

Cannabis distillate is a potent form of concentrated cannabis created through a process known as short path distillation. It utilizes steam, heat, and pressure, coupled with varying temperatures to successfully extract and isolate cannabinoids. Such techniques mean that highly potent forms of distillate are possible, with some distillates containing as much as 99% THC or CBD widely available.


Why Distillates are Ideal For Edibles

Distillates contain only major cannabinoids. Other beneficial compounds like terpenes are left behind during the extraction process. The odourless and flavourless oil that results leads to the distinct lack of flavour that could overpower a recipe, something that makes cannabis distillates very attractive to those looking for something that won’t spoil the taste.


Such extractions also make it easy to add when cooking. With carefully measured volumes, you can confidently add the distillate, knowing exactly how many milligrams of THC or CBD you are adding. One of the main problems with homemade edibles with cannabis flower is that it’s difficult to gauge the potency until you actually try them. 


In the case of stronger than expected edibles, this can often be an unpleasant experience for innocent consumers. Many people have had their super-relaxing high, suddenly transform into a fearful and anxious experience. When you are working with distillate, be sure to carefully calculate dose. Start with a small piece, and work your way up.


Distillates also come decarboxylated. This is the process whereby THC converts from its inactive form of THCA that’s present in raw cannabis flower. When consumers must decarboxylate manually, there’s always the risk of doing it incorrectly, exposing it to too much heat for too long and destroying some of the compounds. 


Almost all other forms of cannabis, such as raw bud and common concentrates like shatter and live resin, all require decarboxylation. This process involves heating the flower or concentrate at approximately 150 degrees Celcius for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.


How to Make Cannabis Edibles with Distillate

The process of making edibles with distillate is incredibly simple and doesn’t require any expertise. Here’s an easy-to-follow procedure that’ll help you infuse the distillate with a fat source before baking.


  • Heat a small bowl of water to a moderately warm temperature. You’ll be adding the distillate to the water, so be careful not to bring the water to the boil. Cannabinoids like THC will begin to degrade around the boiling point of water.
  • Add some oil or butter to the warm water. Cannabinoids are fat-soluble and will require some form of fat to help ensure optimal absorption.
  • Add the distillate into the solution and mix it thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of the concentrate.
  • Transfer the mixture to another dish and place it in the microwave for two minutes. At this point, you can now add the fat-infused cannabinoids from the distillate to your standard baking recipe.
  • When you place it in the oven, it’s important to be aware of the temperature. The higher the temperature, the more likely you are to destroy the cannabinoids. As a rule of thumb, try and keep the temperature below 160 degrees Celsius.


How to Make Gummies with Cannabis Distillate

Gummies are one of the simplest forms of cannabis edible to make at home and require only a few simple ingredients.


To begin, you’ll need to gather up the following ingredients.

  • 1 cup of fruit juice
  • ¼ cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin or agar agar.
  • 3-5 teaspoons of sugar
  • Cannabis distillate


  • Heat the fruit juice over a medium heat.
  • Add the gelatin or agar agar and stir until it has dissolved.
  • Add the granulated sugar and mix it until dissolved over a slow boil.
  • Add the cannabis distillate and stir it in thoroughly.
  • As the solution thickens, carefully transfer it to the gummy moulds.
  • Allow them to sit at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes before placing them in the refrigerator until they set.
  • Once set, remove them from the moulds and sprinkle them in granulated sugar to prevent them from sticking.


Dosing with Edibles

Dosing in edibles recipes is notoriously tricky, but distillates negate much of the guesswork involved. By using the dropper, it becomes straightforward to precisely add the amount of distillate required. 


Edible portions generally start at 10 mg of THC, so depending on your experience, you can titrate your dose accordingly. 10 mg of THC is more than enough for the average consumer and should deliver noticeable effects within an hour or so of consumption. More experienced consumers, or those treating conditions like chronic pain, may require much more substantial doses and should dose accordingly.


It’s always recommended to buy the highest-quality distillate you can afford. Ideally, distillates should appear light yellow in colour and exhibit clear qualities due to the lack of impurities.


While distillate is easy to measure and add to any recipe, it does come with one drawback in that it doesn’t contain the full spectrum of plant compounds. This means that it may not offer the same medicinal benefit as other forms of cannabis concentrates that preserve the entire spectrum of the plant. 


The reason for this is that the minor cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids all act synergistically to form what’s known as the entourage effect. It’s this mechanism that helps promote the medicinal benefits of the cannabis plant to its full extent.


Buy Concentrates Online in Canada

If you’d like to buy concentrates online in Canada for edible recipes, then at My Pure Canna we’ve got you covered. We stock distillates and a wide variety of cannabis concentrates such as shatter and live resin that can also be used for edible recipes. With our years of experience in the sector, we know what consumers want, so why not head on over to our shop before you get busy in the kitchen!


Best Cannabis Strains That Could Help Treat Insomnia

Best Cannabis Strains That Could Help Treat Insomnia

More and more of us struggle with obtaining restful sleep in our busy modern lives. Between stress, racing minds, poor sleep hygiene, and exposure to the blue light from screens, insomnia is a real issue for countless people.


Thankfully though, the cannabis plant exhibits some potent properties that can help counteract the consequences of our modern ways. If you’re wondering where to order weed online from in Canada, then here at My Pure Canna, we’ve got a selection that’ll help make insomnia a thing of the past.


How Does Cannabis Help Treat Insomnia?

Before selecting a particular strain to combat insomnia, it’s important to understand which properties of the cannabis plant are most likely to induce deep sleep. The cannabis plant contains hundreds of compounds that coalesce in a variety of ways to induce very different effects across the 800 or so recognized strains.


THC and CBD are two of the primary compounds in cannabis, and both play a crucial yet synergistic role in promoting sleep. Science suggests that THC can help induce the drowsiness that helps us fall asleep faster, but it won’t improve our ability to enter the deep restorative REM sleep phase, where true rejuvenation occurs. CBD is what can help us enter those deeper sleep phases by placing us in a relaxed state with reduced anxiety levels.


While both CBD and THC are beneficial for sleep, the devil is in the dose. Cannabinoids are biphasic by their nature. This means that they may exhibit very different effects depending on the dose. Low doses of THC will induce mild relaxation, while high doses can promote anxiety and paranoia. CBD is similar. At higher doses, it can promote alertness and thus inhibit a subject from falling asleep. This all means that both the ratio of THC to CBD and the respective doses are the main factors in how cannabis helps combat insomnia.


8 Strains To Help With Insomnia

The effects of THC and CBD are widely documented, but the effects of particular cannabis strains are often very personalized. With so many compounds involved in wildly different ratios, it’s often a process of trial and error before finding the ideal strain. To help you with your search, here are eight strains with known properties that’ll help make insomnia a thing of the past.


MK Ultra

If you’re looking for a sedating strain, then few beat MK Ultra. This delicious strain has high quantities of the terpene caryophyllene, which helps place your mind in that anxiety-free state as you wind down for bed. THC levels come in at a touch over 20 percent, meaning it’s potent enough to deliver the sedation required to quell the racing mind of extreme insomnia.



A cross between Cannatonic and Afghan Skunk, Remedy is a high-CBD strain with minuscule amounts of THC. CBD levels average 13 percent, meaning that Remedy can help treat some of the barriers that prevent restful sleep. Whether for pain relief, or the lowering of stress and anxiety, Remedy can help place the body in a tender and relaxed state, primed for deep sleep.


Tahoe OG Kush

The strong kush genetics of Tahoe OG Kush shine through prominently in a variety that still maintains its strong Indica qualities. This THC-dominant strain typically imparts strong sedative qualities that lack the energizing punch of competing Sativas, meaning it’s perfect as the early evening hours roll around.


God’s Gift

If you want to wash away the day’s stress and anxiety and drop into deep body awareness come the evening, then God’s Gift may be the strain for you. THC levels average in at 16 percent, and the presence of high quantities of myrcene synergize with it to induce deep body sedation that will leave you primed for deep sleep come bedtime.


9 Pound Hammer

9 Pound hammer will pound any racing mind into submission. With low amounts of CBD and THC levels that average around the 20 percent mark, it delivers a potent sedative punch. The terpene profile further synergizes the effects thanks to the presence of myrcene, pinene, and caryophyllene, all of which help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Afghan Kush

The potent landrace Indicas that came from the valleys of Central Asia in the 1970s are still present in many modern favorites. Like many strains from the region, Afghan Kush imparts a heavy body high that’ll calm a racing mind, sedate the entire body and place it in a state to prepare the body for deep sleep.


Critical Kush

With Indica-dominant qualities proven the sedate, Critical Kush is a common nighttime favorite. THC levels come in at close to 20 percent, while CBD remains negligible. The synergy provoked by the terpenes myrcene and caryophyllene can induce drowsiness and alleviate anxiety. The sedative effects of Critical Kush are strong, and this is always a strain best left alone until nighttime rolls around.


Northern Lights

As a unique cross between a Thai Sativa and an Afghani Indica, Northern Lights induces a relaxing vibe that leans on the Indica side. Northern Lights has an average THC content of 18 percent, and while the strain sedates, it also has potent pain-relieving properties that can be especially helpful to those that have difficulty sleeping due to underlying pain symptoms.



G-13 is a potent strain that exhibits high levels of THC approaching 24 percent. The strong Indica qualities of the strain are accentuated by the presence of high levels of the terpene myrcene that serve to enhance the sedative qualities of the strain.


Where to Order Weed Online From In Canada

As a natural remedy, cannabis is remarkably effective at helping many overcome insomnia. The lack of side effects and ease of access in jurisdictions where it’s legal mean that it is becoming an ever more popular option for the ever-increasing number of insomniacs.


If you’re wondering where to order weed online from in Canada, then here at My Pure Canna, we’ve got a wide selection of products that can help make insomnia a thing of the past. Our extensive range of cannabis products includes flowers, edibles, concentrates, and specific CBD products, meaning that the quest to find the perfect strain to banish insomnia has never been easier!


Does Marijuana Make You Paranoid?

Does Marijuana Make You Paranoid?

Let’s start today’s discussion on Does Marijuana Make You Paranoid?

We all know the positive benefits of smoking weed, especially now it’s so easy to buy recreational weed online. But for some, the fun of getting high may be accompanied by negative side effects that aren’t quite as pleasant. 

Dry mouth is one of them, although that’s easily solved by making sure you always have something to drink during your smoking sessions. Red eyes are another that affects some people more dramatically than others, and again, there’s an easy fix for that — bring on the eye drops. 

But there’s a subset of people who have stopped smoking weed because they find it makes them paranoid. The experience is unpleasant enough they don’t want to risk it again. One study suggests that as many as one in five people are convinced others are trying to harm them when high.

What is the paranoid meaning?

If you are looking for the answer to paranoia definition or paranoid meaning, then according to Cambridge we can say, “feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you

So Why Does Marijuana Make You Paranoid?

👉 Sadly, you have to blame it on the THC. The same lovely cannabinoid that gets you high can also make you paranoid. Its psychoactive compound binds to receptors in the amygdala, the cluster of nuclei in the temporal lobe that regulates emotions like fear, anxiety, stress, and paranoia. The sudden rush of THC may overstimulate the amygdala, leaving you feeling anxious and maybe even fearful. 

👉 The amygdala, commonly called the “lizard brain,” is greatly affected by cannabis. Because pot can affect short-term memory and cause your thoughts to echo, it can produce mental distortions as well as the more pleasant psychotropic ones like intensifying colors and making food — even strange food combinations — taste amazing. 

👉If you do start to feel like sinister things are happening (that phone won’t stop ringing and you don’t recognize the number; everyone will know you’re high and judge you negatively for it), it might be time to take a look at the kind of pot you’re smoking rather than giving it up entirely.

👉 Luckily, CBD, which doesn’t bind in the same way or to the same cannabinoid receptors in the brain, can moderate or eliminate the unpleasant paranoid side effects you may be experiencing when high. 

👉 With its ability to relieve anxiety and help you chill, a strain that has a lower THC: CBD ratio (in other words, has more CBD), will still get you high but will help you avoid the unpleasant and irrational paranoia. Try strains like Harlequin OG, Blue Dream, or Cannatonic to see if it makes a difference. And look for strains that are higher in linalool, limonene, and myrcene terpenes.

What About the Dose?

The more you smoke, the more likely you are to become paranoid. To some extent, it’s a simple math formula, or at least it seems to be, based on animal research done to date. But there are, of course, many other things that affect the dose. THC: CBD ratio, the unique configuration of your particular brain and where your opioid receptors are located. 

Paranoia might be a more frequent side effect for you if more of your opioid receptors are located towards the back of your brain. The likelihood of your knowing whether this is the case or not is slim, however. So if you do occasionally feel paranoid when you smoke weed, try to identify the strain you were smoking and figure out whether you indulged more than usual.

One study suggests an increase of 5 mg of THC can make the difference between reducing stress and increasing anxiety. So, start low, go slow, especially if you’re ingesting a high THC strain with little or no CBD.

What Other Factors Are Involved?

Brain chemistry, gender, frequency, and amount smoked are all factors that can affect whether marijuana will make you start to feel paranoid or not. Higher estrogen levels can make you 30% more sensitive to cannabis. There are other studies indicating estrogen plays a role in alcohol sensitivity as well.

What to Do if Smoking Weed Makes You Paranoid

  • Chill. The whole point of recreational weed is to relax, let your cares dissipate, and get into a different – and better – headspace. Let that happen.
  • Breath. Close your eyes and just focus on breathing in deeply through your nose, hold for a count of three, four, or five, and then breathe out deeply through your mouth. Or try one-nostril yoga breathing. If it can relax you before a root canal, it can help with a mild case of THC-induced paranoia.
  • Slow down. You’re probably high enough. Let the joint – or the bong – pass you by for the rest of the evening. The feelings of anxiety and paranoia will fade.
  • More CBD. Next time you want to buy weed online in Canada, look for a slightly higher ratio of CBD to THC. You can find the same choice of different THC: CBD ratios in edibles, concentrates, and tinctures available online.
  • Choose by your Nose. Check out strains that have higher concentrations of pinene, limonene, and caryophyllene terpenes. They not only help you relax, but they may also help to balance, moderate, and even counteract the effects of THC.

What to Do if It Keeps Happening

For a quick fix, peel and eat an orange, inhaling the fragrance of the rind as you do so. Try some yoga breathing, especially alternate nostril breathing. Five breaths with each nostril should begin to help you start to feel calmer fast.

What else? Imagine where you would normally relax. Does that look like a dog walk? A steaming cup of tea? Putting on Seinfeld or Friends? Or what about a bath, soothing music, and lowering the lights?

If marijuana makes you paranoid persistently, you might need to take a break. Paradoxically, you might find that you feel a little paranoid during a break. Cannabis withdrawal syndrome can last four weeks, especially if you smoked a lot or every day. 

But if your paranoia doesn’t go away, it’s time to consult your healthcare practitioner. It’s not just hard for you to deal with, it’s hard for other people to have to respond to wacky allegations or provide constant reassurance about things that aren’t really happening.

How to Choose Your Strain

Start researching the strains and terpenes available wherever you buy recreational weed online in Canada. At My Pure Canna, shipping is free for all orders over $99, and live chat is available from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific time so you can consult an online budtender for the strains, concentrates, or edibles that will work best for you to ensure you get high without the unwanted side effect of paranoia. 

Health Effects of Consuming Cannabis Edibles

Health Effects of Consuming Cannabis Edibles


With weed edibles for sale in Canada, it means that everyone is curious about the effects. Cannabis edibles are a useful, not to mention, delicious way to reap the plant’s medicinal benefits. They are the perfect tasty package to deliver high doses of valuable cannabis medicine when you need it most. And if you’ve been wondering about the effects — yes, edibles do feel quite different.


Smoked Weed Versus Edibles


For those with some experience smoking cannabis, the effects are often mild, uplifting, and pleasant. Smoking and vaping cannabis is an excellent introduction to the power of the plant. The results are relaxing, usually chill, and the onset comes on within ten minutes or less. 


Depending on the mix of cannabinoids and terpenes, you may feel social, sleepy, hungry, or creative. If you smoke or vape, the high generally last between four to six hours.


But, edibles are an entirely new way to experience cannabis. While the felt effects are quite similar, they can feel substantially more powerful. Unless you have a substantial THC tolerance, you may notice that an edible is much more social, sleepy, hungry, or creative than that joint you remember.


Why are edibles different, even if they contain the same weed as you smoke? Because your digestive tract transforms the THC into a metabolite called THC-COOH. Researchers believe that this compound is many-times more intoxicating than straight THC. The same dose of smoked versus eaten THC will feel quite different.


You’ll also want to consider that it takes time to digest edibles. Instead of feeling stoned in 10 minutes, it can take up to two hours. People often assume their edibles aren’t working, when they haven’t completely absorbed yet. This leads to the final point. Edibles can last far longer. If you eat a big dose of THC, expect to feel stoned for eight hours or more.


The Health Benefits of Cannabis Edibles


The many weed edibles for sale in Canada are often described as medicinal. Edibles are an excellent alternative for patients looking for options beyond joints and bongs. What therapeutic benefits can you expect if you eat a juicy THC-gummy bear or a dense and chocolatey brownie?


Pain Relief

One of the most extensive areas of research into cannabis’ medicinal qualities is around pain. Patient surveys indicate that patients prefer medical marijuana over more conventional pharmaceuticals, like oxycodone. There have been many clinical trials into THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids to treat pain.


Edibles are especially powerful for pain relief because they easily deliver larger THC doses than is feasible by smoking. Plus, the effects seem to penetrate more deeply and last longer than other routes of administration. 


Banish Insomnia

A second common use for medical marijuana edibles is for sleep. There is a lot of complicated science around cannabinoids and sleep, but most patients continue to report it is beneficial. The research says that THC especially improves the time it takes to get to sleep, but these effects may dissipate. If you need help getting to sleep, an edible packed with THC is a good first start.


Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The side effects of chemotherapy are often described as more challenging than cancer itself. Chemotherapy is painful, kills appetite, and induces nausea and vomiting. Cannabis, primarily THC and CBD, soothe pain, boost appetite, and help reduce nausea and vomiting. Plus, for cancer patients, smoking isn’t always an option. Edibles make it easy to dose, as a co-therapy to chemotherapy and make the experience manageable. 


The Side Effects of Weed Edibles


No medicine comes without side effects, even medical marijuana. Thankfully, the side effects of cannabis are generally mild, well-tolerated, and short-lived. Unlike pharmaceuticals (that cannabis tends to replace), there are few long-term risks. For starters, you can’t die from cannabis edibles, no matter how much you consume.


Edibles are also a healthier alternative to smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping can lead to some respiratory infections. Although these tend to dissipate once you stop smoking, it’s less than ideal when it’s happening. 



Some would call this a benefit, while others a side effect. It just depends on what you are using the edible for. Most cannabis-infused goodies are slightly sedative, especially those made with indica and higher-levels of THC. They don’t always make for great pre-work medicine, especially in larger doses.


Red Eyes

Red eyes are one of the most visible signs of a high. Whether you smoke, dab, or eat your weed, you may find yourself standing in front of a mirror looking straight into bloodshot eyes. Red and dry eyes are annoying, but ultimately inconsequential effect of cannabis. Typically, your eyes will stay red for a few hours, but quickly go back to normal. You can always be Visine.



In higher doses, THC can trigger the onset of anxiety and paranoia. Some folks who are especially sensitive to THC may find that any dose makes them start to feel nervous. If you are new to edibles or THC, it’s best to start with a low dose (5 to 10 mg). This will help reduce the risk of negative experiences. And, if you do become paranoid, remember this will only last for a few hours. Eventually, the anxiousness will dissolve.


A Total Green Out

Greening out is what happens when you consume too much THC. Greening out generally only occurs when you consume high-potency products like concentrates, tinctures, and edibles. It can feel too overwhelming to the point people call 911. Although frightening and very uncomfortable, the experience is short-lived and has no long-lasting effects. Pay close attention to the dose, and always start lower than you expect.


Health Benefits of Cannabis Edibles


So, with weed edibles for sale in Canada, and more Canadians than ever before getting on board, what are you waiting for? The side effects are minimal, and the health benefits substantial. Edibles are a long-lasting and potent source of stress relief and relaxation. If you have pain, inflammation, insomnia, and more, edibles are the relief you’ve been looking for.


Do Edibles Damage Your Liver?

Do Edibles Damage Your Liver?

Edibles offer cannabis consumers with a healthy alternative to smoked forms of cannabis. But is there any truth to the idea that edibles may be damaging to the liver? If you’d like to buy edibles online in Canada, then here we fill you in on the current science.

Do Edibles Damage Your Liver?

There are many different ways of consuming cannabis. By smoking, vaping or administering it sublingually, consumers bypass the digestive tract and hence the liver. The active compounds enter the bloodstream through a direct route meaning that you’ll feel the effects quickly and with the same relative intensity.

When consuming edibles, the active compounds must pass through the digestive tract before then passing through the body’s main detox organ, the liver. It’s these processes carried out in the liver that lead to the notable effects commonly associated with edibles. But just what is it that occurs in the liver? And can marijuana edible consumption lead to liver damage?

The Link Between Cannabis and Liver Damage

In recent times, the link between cannabis and liver damage arose due to an article that appeared on Forbes, where researchers claimed that mice who received high doses of CBD showed signs of liver damage within 24 hours.

It led Martin Lee, the author of Smoke Signals, the well-known book on cannabis culture to label it a case of “scientific fraud.” The reasons given by other cannabis researchers included: the small sample size of 6 mice and the dose they received of 2460 mg/kg of CBD (over 100 times the recommended dose of the CBD-isolate Epidiolex at 20 mg/kg).

The Evidence that Cannabis Protects The Liver

A study published in Liver International investigated the effects of cannabis on the progressive stages of alcoholic liver disease. Researchers found that cannabis consumers “had significantly lower odds than non‐dependent users for developing liver disease.” This led them to conclude that “cannabis use is associated with a reduced incidence of liver disease in alcoholics.”

While the study didn’t indicate how the subjects involved in the study ingested cannabis, the findings certainly don’t raise any red flags concerning cannabis having a negative impact on liver health.

Where the Science Stands on Cannabis and Liver Health

Few studies currently exist on whether cannabis is dangerous to liver health, and even fewer exist on the effects of edibles.

There is currently no credible evidence to suggest that medicinal or recreational cannabis is harmful to liver health. The lack of any credible evidence is what leads almost all researchers involved in the recent studies calling for more investigation on the matter.

While some consumers may experience discomfort after consuming edibles, including bloating, gas, heartburn, or constipation, there’s no evidence to suggest that this is indicative of any form of liver damage.

What Happens In The Liver When You Eat Edibles?

Anyone who has tried smoked or vaped forms of cannabis and edibles will undoubtedly attest to the fact that the effects of each can vary significantly. The reason for this is that the liver plays a critical role in how the THC present in cannabis is metabolized.

When inhaled by smoking or vaping, cannabis enters the bloodstream directly from the lungs, effectively bypassing the liver. This means that you’ll experience a quick and predictable onset each and every time.

Absorption occurs very differently with edibles. Edibles must first pass through the digestive tract and can take significant time to kick in, depending on how much food is currently in the stomach and intestines.

The competition in the intestinal tract for absorption doesn’t explain why the effects of edibles are often substantially stronger than smoked or vaped forms of cannabis. This is due to the role of the liver in how THC is metabolized. When ingested, the THC present in cannabis is in the Delta-9-THC form. The liver then converts it to the more potent 11-Hydroxy-THC. In addition to being more potent, 11-Hydroxy-THC is also more bioavailable, and many scientists claim that it actually crosses the blood-brain barrier more readily.

The Liver and The First-Pass Effect

Sometimes when people consume edibles, they may not feel the effects intensely. This is often due to what’s known as the first-pass effect. This is where an efficient liver breaks down the THC to such an extent that you don’t feel its effects.

If you experience this when consuming edibles, then consider eating a small fat-based meal beforehand to help ensure enhanced absorption and activation.

Cannabis and Our Evolving Knowledge

While there are many respectable scientists investigating the effects of cannabis, there are none who can currently be considered experts like in other fields of medicine. This is because there is comparatively little known about the plant.

Years of prohibition mean that cannabis research is decades behind where it might otherwise be. Given the medicinal benefits of the plant, this is a great shame. As science plays a game of catchup and the cultural stigma slowly wanes, scientists are slowly uncovering many benefits of the plant that treat a whole host of conditions. But while much of the science is positive, this doesn’t mean that cannabis is entirely benign. Only time will tell whether cannabis is 100% safe.

Buy Edibles Online in Canada

If you’d like to buy edibles online in Canada, then why not take a look at our selection of edibles here on My Pure Canna? We have an extensive range of edibles in a variety of delicious flavours categorized into Indica and Sativa, with varying ratios of THC and CBD. This means that no matter what your intention, whether recreational or medicinal, you’ll find just what you need!

The latest science suggests that edibles are quite safe when consumed responsibly at standard doses. However, it’s always worth remembering that edibles are an extremely potent form of cannabis. If you do happen to consume too much, then you may be in for an intense ride. As always, the golden rule with edible doses is to start low and go slow!

Does CBD oil stop panic attacks?

Does CBD oil stop panic attacks?

For those who haven’t heard, cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis that doesn’t get you high. Unlike it’s better-known cousin cannabinoid THC, this newly popular compound delivers medicinal relief without intoxication.

CBD makes cannabis-based medicines easier and more useful for daily relief. But what is this revolutionary cannabinoid used for? CBD has massive potential to reduce anxiety and calm panic attacks (among many other applications).

Although the study of CBD for panic attacks and anxiety is ongoing, the preliminary evidence is strong and extremely convincing. Especially when combined with the sheer number of people who report positive results for their own anxiety, there has to be something to these anti-anxiety reports.

What is Anxiety, Panic, and Panic Attacks?

People often conflate stress with anxiety, but while former is a universal human experience, anxiety is a chronic mental health condition. Anxiety may be a result of chronic stress, develop following trauma, come from a genetic basis, or for some, have no known cause. Anxiety impacts people on a profound level, across all areas of their life.

According to the ADAA, an organization that researches and provides resources for anxiety and depression, the symptoms of anxiety are as follows:

  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • A sensation of oncoming doom or panic
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hyperventilation and sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues

The most common form is called generalized anxiety disorder, which the ADAA defined as “persistent and excessive worry about a number of different things.” Furthermore, the ADAA says people with generalized anxiety ” may worry more than seems warranted about actual events or may expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern.”

For some, generalized anxiety disorder is just the start. It may spin out into a condition known as panic disorder. When anxiety reaches a more elevated phase, it can develop into full-blown anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks. People with panic disorder “experience spontaneous seemingly out-of-the-blue panic attacks and are very preoccupied with the fear of a recurring attack,” as per the ADAA.

Currently, the conventional approach to treating anxiety and panic disorders are pharmaceutical-based. That means SSRIs and benzodiazepines, both of which have serious side effects and may be addictive for some people. It’s why people are turning to a natural option — CBD for panic disorders.

The Scientific Evidence Behind CBD for Anxiety

Before we dive into CBD for panic disorders, let’s cover the basics of CBD for anxiety disorders. Surprisingly the anti-anxiety properties of CBD were only first discovered thanks to their relationship with THC. CBD works to counterbalance the strong psychoactive intoxication of THC. Essentially THC reduces the strength and duration of a high and calms associated anxiety and paranoia. Importantly, CBD is non-intoxicating, and we now know it’s anti-psychoactive as well and may be useful for the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia.

A 2011 study from Brazil also reported the positive benefits of CBD for social anxiety. Social anxiety is the fear of social situations, which in this study was modeled based on simulated public speeches. Researchers gave the participants either CBD or a placebo, then asked them to give a speech. They rated their experiential anxiety as well as their heart rate, blood pressure, and more.

Based on the total assessment, people who took CBD had measurable lower levels of anxiety than those who didn’t. Even people who didn’t have social anxiety disorder felt calmer thanks to CBD in this experiment.

Since this study on CBD and social anxiety, there has been an intense continuation of research. According to the authors of one literature review, “We found that existing preclinical evidence strongly supports CBD as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder when administered acutely.”

The Science of CBD Oil for Panic Disorder

Here we begin to see CBD’s role for treating panic attacks. While less understood compared to CBD for anxiety disorders, there is still mounting evidence about CBD’s efficacy for panic disorder.

Most of the evidence comes from brain imaging done on patients with panic disorder. In one case, patients dosed with CBD had decreased activity in the area of the brain responsible for emotional activation. This meant they had a decreased fear-based response to images of fearful faces.

Other studies relying on brain scans have determined “that CBD can alter the activity of brain areas such as the medial and left temporal lobes, prefrontal cortex and insula, regions that were also found to be modified in [panic disorder] patient.” This means, in areas of the brain that are altered by panic disorder and elevated levels of anxiety, acute CBD administration seems to reduce their heightened activity.

Can CBD Oil Stop Panic Attacks?

As anyone who experiences panic attacks knows, it can be impossible to stop the onset of an anxiety attack once the wheels are in motion. Even traditional pharmaceuticals don’t always do the trick. Yes, CBD is good to reduce anxiety and the frequency of panic attacks, but don’t expect a magic pill to make one disappear a few minutes beforehand.

CBD will not stop a panic attack if taken as an acute treatment right before onset. But, CBD can offer a general reduction in anxiety, especially when taken daily. Over time, as your general sense of worry and anxiety lessens thanks to a daily CBD dose, the severity, and frequency of panic attacks will also lessen. CBD works best to reduce your baseline anxiety, not to prevent the onset a few minutes before.

Patients have fallen in love with this option for anxiety and panic because it offers a safe, nonsedative alternative to pharmaceuticals. As the above scientific review concluded, “CBD does not present psychoactive effects; it is safe and well-tolerated via the oral route (up to 1,500 mg/day). Moreover, because this compound does not induce dependence, tolerance and abstinence symptoms, it can be, in the future, a good alternative as a substitute for high potency benzodiazepines and antidepressant drugs.”

A Daily Dose of CBD for Panic and Anxiety

If you have anxiety and struggle with panic attacks on a routine basis, why not give CBD a try? If you experiment for a few weeks, you will likely experience a slow decrease in the daily simmer of anxious thoughts, and perhaps a reduction in panic attacks. If you can combine with healthy eating habits, exercise, and therapy, CBD works well in a holistic treatment plan for panic disorder.

Learn About the Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Learn About the Medical Benefits of Marijuana

The first recorded use of medicinal cannabis occurred in 2700 BC in ancient China. It was initially used to combat conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria, and even absent-mindedness. As it spread across the globe, its range of medicinal benefits increased in kind. The availability of medical marijuana in Canada means that we can now avail of a host of benefits that few other forms of medications can match. Here are some of the principal benefits of cannabis in treating several well-known conditions.

Medical Marijuana as a Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is one of those conditions that responds very well to cannabis treatment. The secret lies in the ability of cannabis to manage pain symptoms, something that those afflicted with severe forms of arthritis find particularly debilitating.

In addition to quelling pain, the CBD present in medical marijuana can also help reduce inflammation and promote sleep. With its multifaceted mechanisms of action, many patients find cannabis to be an essential ally in treating the symptoms of this debilitating condition.

Glaucoma Treatment With Medical Marijuana

Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure in the eyeball and poses a danger to the delicate optic nerve. In severe cases, it can even cause a loss of vision. Studies carried out in the 1970s showed that cannabis can help lower the intraocular pressure in those afflicted with the condition. In certain severe cases, this may prevent inevitable blindness.

Cannabis For Seizure Control

Cannabis is highly effective in suppressing seizures and is often much more effective than pharmaceutical interventions. One of the most well-known cases of using marijuana to control seizures was with Charlotte Figi, a young American girl who suffered from a severe form of epilepsy. Charlotte experienced up to 300 epileptic seizures per month before medicating with cannabis. After administering a high CBD strain that became known as Charlotte’s Web, her seizures reduced to one per month.

How Medical Marijuana Helps Treat Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that leads to symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, and anemia, among others.

While cannabis doesn’t cure Chron’s disease outright, several studies suggest that it can reduce the symptoms and enhance the quality of life of patients. The primary mechanism of action of cannabis as it relates to Crohn’s is its anti-inflammatory properties. Its ability to quell inflammation works synergistically with its ability to diminish pain and increase appetite, three factors that serve to enhance the life of anyone afflicted with Crohn’s disease.

Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Anxiety

Anxiety is a complex condition, the roots of which often run deep in those affected. Cannabis tends to impart an increased sense of calm, improved relaxation, and better sleep. When it comes to treating anxiety with cannabis, the choice of strain is of particular importance. Scientific and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD is helpful, and many patients choose strains with a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC.

While the evidence suggests benefits to using cannabis as a treatment for anxiety, strains that are too high in THC with little to no CBD may amplify any underlying anxiety and worsen symptoms.

Cannabis As an Appetite Stimulant

For patients undergoing intense bouts of chemotherapy, one of the common side-effects is reduced appetite and increased nausea. When already weak patients can’t nourish themselves with wholesome food, it places additional strain on the recovery process.

THC is particularly useful in working as an appetite stimulant while also decreasing pain and nausea. Cannabis is widely prescribed to chemo patients and undoubtedly helps promote the healing process by enhancing appetite among recovering patients.

Cannabis and PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by prior experience with traumatic events. It’s particularly common among veterans returning from war zones, and those afflicted often re-experience the traumatizing events in vivid detail, something that provokes an intense bodily stress response.

Research suggests that those afflicted with PTSD have low levels of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid produced within the body with a remarkably similar structure to THC. When THC is administered, the subsequent binding with the CB1 receptors deactivates the traumatic memories among patients. When consumed in conjunction with CBD, its anti-anxiety and calming effects complement the THC, placing patients in a calm state, and liberating them temporarily from the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.

How Medical Marijuana Helps with ADHD/ADD

Those who have ADHD and ADD often have trouble focusing on the task at hand. Cannabis can be particularly effective at helping people maintain focus and productivity.

ADHD and ADD are closely related to a dopamine deficit in the brain. Medications like Adderall and Ritalin stimulate dopamine and promote concentrations. But these gains often come with a host of unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms.

For its part, cannabis seems to interact with the brain’s dopamine production and increases its availability. Cannabis also appears to induce a mental slowdown that prevents patients from becoming overwhelmed by sensory input. Strain choice is very much personal preference when it comes to treating ADHD and ADD. Some report success with high THC strains, while others need to balance out the effects of THC with some CBD.

Pain Reduction in Multiple Sclerosis

Many of those afflicted with multiple sclerosis find medical marijuana hugely beneficial in controlling the pain symptoms. Research demonstrates the pain-relieving properties of THC, and when it comes to multiple sclerosis, it can help alleviate the pain associated with painful muscle contractions.

How Cannabis Reduces Tremors in Parkinson’s Patients

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder that deteriorates with time. There is no known cure for this disease, and patients often suffer from uncontrollable tremors, pain, and difficulty sleeping. Studies show that medical cannabis plays an important role in protecting against the neurodegeneration commonly observed with Parkinson’s disease. Cannabis also seems to help improve motor skills among patients and reduce the uncontrollable tremors that many experience.

Medical Marijuana in Canada

At Pure Canna, we stock a wide range of cannabis products to treat the above conditions and many more. Between concentrates, edibles, tinctures, and cannabis flower, our extensive line of cannabis products are sure to fit your preferred method of administration.

Cannabis contains hundreds of compounds, each of which acts synergistically with other plant compounds to produce wide-ranging effects. Science is slowly coming to understand and explain the various mechanisms of action of cannabis. And as scientists slowly uncover the workings of this miraculous plant, the future for medical marijuana in Canada seems bright.

What Are the Side Effects of Edibles?

What Are the Side Effects of Edibles?

This is another article by My Pure Canna site on the side effects of edibles that will ride you to long-term side effects of edibles and side effects of weed edibles.

Before anything else, we are supposed to understand what is edibles? so,

What are edibles? Accessible in many types of edibles incorporate prepared merchandise, confections, chocolates, and drinks, Edibles are food items that contain marijuana. Many individuals believe edibles to be a protected and cautious way of taking marijuana.

With weed edibles for sale across Canada, the public can now benefit from this convenient form of consumption. The benefits of edibles are well-documented, but what are the side effects that some experience with edible ingestion?

Common Side Effects of Weed Edibles

Most people can consume cannabis without experiencing any adverse side effects. But for some individuals, it’s not always plain sailing. Between a dry mouth, anxiety, paranoia, and the more intense high associated with edible ingestion, edibles can sometimes become unpleasant for some.

It’s often due to a low tolerance coupled with an excessive dose, but in some instances, people are simply more susceptible to the side effects of edibles when compared to smoked or vaped forms of cannabis.

Following are the various side effects of weed edibles, Let’s visit my homepage. 

Effect on body

  • Drowsiness
  • Impaired motor ability
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Vomiting
  • Hallucinations

Effect of mind

Effect of lung capabilities

  • Respiratory depression
  • Heart problems

Weed Hangovers

  • One of the most common side effects of edibles is the hangover. It’s similar to a standard weed hangover but is often more intense due to the nature of edibles. They’re a much more potent source of THC, and when we consume too much too late, we’re more likely to feel groggy the next morning.
  • Edibles are much longer-lasting than smoked or vaped forms of cannabis. With more intense effects lasting upwards of eight hours or more, this heightens the risk of a hangover when we consume too much.
  • The scientific data on weed hangovers isn’t conclusive which further causes a bad reaction to edibles. Some studies suggest it’s a thing, while others suggest that the groggy symptoms may be due to something else. Regardless, anecdotal evidence suggests that with increased edible doses, people sometimes tend to rise with mental fog and fatigue upon waking up.

Cottonmouth after Consuming Weed Edibles

  • Cottonmouth is a common side effect of cannabis consumption and is particularly common with edibles. Contrary to popular belief, dehydration isn’t the reason behind this. THC binds to our salivary glands and prevents the production of saliva after ingestion.
  • These symptoms can also spread to the eyes where increased reddening appears as the tear glands stop working optimally. With limited function, it leads to a decreased blink rate, which only serves to accentuate the problem.
  • As is usually the case, the larger the dose, the more serious the symptoms which letter leads to a bad reaction to edibles. Although they never become dangerous, they’re certainly inconvenient to experience.

Anxiety and Paranoia With Marijuana Edibles

Anxiety and paranoia are two common side effects among patients who either consume far too high a dose or have underlying issues that a cannabis edible merely bring to the surface. Such side effects are much more likely with high-THC consumption and a lack of CBD to balance out the effects.

  • While it can be a frightening and disorientating experience, such side effects are likely to be transitory and will usually pass within a few hours.
  • The intensity of any anxiety or paranoia often relates to dose size. The higher the dose, the more likely you are to experience such negative side effects.

What to do:

If you’re inexperienced with edible consumption, start with a low dose and gradually work up to a functional dose. 10 mg represents a standard edible dose, but it’s not uncommon for this to be too much for beginners who are more susceptible to anxiety or paranoia. 2.5mg of THC is a good starting dose for those who prefer to dip their feet into the water slowly.


Edibles Provide A Longer-lasting and More Intense High

  • By and large, edibles are much more potent than smoked or vaped forms of cannabis. The onset time is more prolonged, but once they kick in, the effects often ramp up and stay elevated for several hours.
  • The danger associated with edible consumption and its long term side effects of edibles is that patients re-dose before the first dose has taken effect. Depending on your metabolism and how much food is in your stomach at the time of ingestion, it can take up to two hours for an edible to take effect.

What to do:

If you’re starting out, make sure you get to know your own body by allowing for full absorption before redosing. The last thing you’ll want is to re-dose only for the effects to finally hit an hour later. Remember, you can always eat more, but there’s not much you can do if the effects come on too strong.

The increased potency of edibles

  • The reason for the increased potency of edibles is in how the body processes THC.
  • The THC present in edibles converts in the liver to the more potent form known as 11-Hydroxy-THC. This form of THC interacts very differently within the body and produces more intense effects that last a lot longer than
  • the Delta 9 THC present in smoked or vaped forms of cannabis.

Hallucinations With Marijuana Edibles

  • Hallucinations are more commonly associated with psychedelics. But when ingested in sufficiently high quantities, hallucinations can be a common side-effect of edible forms of cannabis.
  • In his book, Confessions of a Hasheesh Eater, Fitz Hugh Ludlow describes using hashish to induce altered states of consciousness to explore more deeply the nature of the unconscious mind. While this may have merit, very few cannabis consumers are looking for such profound experiences.
  • High-dose edibles and a sufficiently low tolerance are likely to induce hallucinations that could become frightening and overwhelming.

Cannabis Edibles and Lethargy

Some people report bouts of lethargy after the effects of edible wear-off. Such side effects are unwelcome if you have to work or otherwise maintain focus and concentration. If you find you’re susceptible to lethargy after consuming an edible, then it’s best to wait until evening or weekends before consuming them.

Weed Edibles for Sale in Canada

At Pure Canna, we’ve got an extensive stock of weed edibles for sale. With CBD and THC varieties, they come in a range of delicious flavors in doses ranging from 10mg to 20mg and come in both Indica and Sativa varieties.

While the side effects mentioned above can occur, the truth is that with responsible consumption, there’s very little that can go wrong. Ensure you start out with a lower dose and feel free to bring some CBD into the mix should any anxiety symptoms begin to appear. CBD tends to counteract THC’s psychoactive effects and can help you navigate a negative experience much more effectively.

Summarizing the whole article for you: What are the side effects of edibles?

The impacts of edibles may not arise for as long as 3 hours after ingestion, and there is a danger of excess. Alongside that Long-term, regular utilization of marijuana can likewise effectively affect mental and actual wellbeing.

Be that as it may, individuals should practice alert when utilizing edibles, particularly interestingly.