How to Dab CBD Concentrates: Everything You Need to Know

How to Dab CBD Concentrates: Everything You Need to Know

If you’ve ever seen marijuana concentrates for sale, you may have wondered just what they are. What exactly is shatter? What’s the difference between an oil and a tincture? Isn’t hash just another word for weed? Why get all fancy when you can just smoke dried herb?

Well, it turns out there are a few reasons why people prefer concentrates over traditional bud. Before we dive into the ‘why,’ let’s take a peek at just what concentrates are — and specifically CBD concentrates.

What Are Concentrates?

A concentrate, chemically speaking, is something expressed in a condensed form, or something made less diluted by eliminating fluid (water). In terms of marijuana, concentrates refer to such products as tinctures, infused oils, hash, shatter, wax, and dabbable oils. They are chemically more dense in psychoactive compounds than the whole flower, either leaning towards high THC or CBD content.

Hash, oils, and tinctures are old methods of concentrating cannabis. Hash is made from collecting trichomes (the sticky crystals) from the mature buds of cannabis plants and either pressing or rolling it into bricks or balls. Tinctures are made of plant matter steeped in alcohol in a specific ratio. Oils are much the same but steeped in oil instead. Whether alcohol or oil is more effective at extracting the compounds is plant-specific.

Shatter, wax, and dab oils are a more modern and complex form of making concentrates. Shatter, so named for its brittle and semi-translucent glass-like appearance, is made by extracting the desired compounds from the fresh/cured herb with a solvent. The resulting oil-like liquid is then heat-treated to remove the solvent and leave just the concentrated compounds of the marijuana plant. The final processing of the concentrate determines whether it ends up as shatter, oil, or wax.

CBD products, in particular, are made from the hemp plant. Hemp is very low in THC, which is perfect for those seeking the benefits without the high. The hemp matter is treated with the same process as cannabis to make CBD concentrates. Once the concentrate is extracted, it is ready to be dabbed.

What Is Dabbing?

Dabbing refers to inhaling vaporized cannabis concentrates. It involves using either a specialized bong-type device called a dab rig or a vape pen designed explicitly for concentrates. With a dab rig, the nail is heated with a torch and allowed to cool slightly before introducing the concentrate. Vape pens work similarly to regular dab rigs, with the added benefit of a more controlled temperature.

For serious dabbers, there is such a thing as an e-rig. This compact electric dab rig heats the nail with a battery rather than a torch. The temperature can be set to the user’s specifications, which is important so as not to burn the concentrate. E-rigs are prized for their portability and simplicity, though they will set you back a few hundred dollars for a good set-up.

Why Would I Dab?

So you’re pondering over marijuana concentrates for sale – the shatter looks so pretty, but is it really worth it? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, it is!

The best part of marijuana concentrates is the elimination of the carcinogenic plant material that one would normally inhale from smoking dried flower. Smoking a whole joint is hard on the lungs, not only due to the unwanted chemicals that come with combusting plant matter but also the heat of the smoke itself. Dabbing results in a cleaner, cooler vapour that is easier on your airways with instantaneous effects. The high is typically more potent than just smoking weed.

With shatter, in particular, you need very little product per use. Because the concentrates are so pure, you can use tiny portions to make your shatter go a long way. Due to its chemical structure, shatter is very shelf-stable and can maintain its potency longer than waxes or oils.

Admittedly, the downside to dabbing is that it requires multiple pieces of specialty equipment. Unlike edibles that you can pop in your pocket to take along for later, dabbing requires several items that aren’t the most portable. Let’s jump into how dabbing works to explain the necessary equipment.

A Step By Step Guide To Dabbing

First and foremost, please make sure your concentrates come from a reliable source! While it is possible to make homemade concentrates, the risk for unremoved solvents remaining in your product is high – and that is stuff you certainly don’t want to inhale. Potency should be labelled on legitimately produced concentrates to give you an idea of what you’re working with.

After you’ve found marijuana concentrates for sale from somewhere you trust, it’s time to piece together the rest of the puzzle.

You Will Need:

  • Concentrate: shatter, wax, or dabbable oil
  • dab rig
  • dab tool
  • a nail that fits your rig
  • torch
  • carb cap (optional, but increases efficiency)

How to Do It:

  • Step 1: prep your dab rig according to type. Portion out a tiny bit of your concentrate – as we know, they are powerful (which is the whole point), so start with the tiniest portion you can collect with your dab tool. You can always dab more if you need to.
  • Step 2: heat your nail. Unless you have an e-rig, you’ll have to do this using a torch. Heat the nail until it is just starting to turn red. Let it cool for 30-60 seconds; ideal dabbing temperature is 350-400°. If you can comfortably (and carefully!) hold your hand about half an inch away from the nail, it is ready.
  • Step 3: slowly lower your dab tool and concentrate into the nail. It should melt upon contact with the rig and begin to vaporize. Inhale long and slow until all the concentrate is gone. If you have a carb cap, pop that on top to keep all the vapour in while you inhale.
  • Step 4: Exhale immediately. If you have the wherewithal to clean your nail right away, do so by letting it cool down a bit, then swiftly wiping it with a cotton swab.

If getting yourself all set up with a dab rig seems overwhelming, try starting with a dab pen. Pens aren’t as efficient as a dab rig and will require multiple hits to achieve the same effect, but they are simpler and more portable to use.

Benefits of Dabbing Concentrated CBD

If you’re medicating with CBD for health reasons, it makes sense to introduce it to your body as cleanly as possible. Dabbing a high-quality CBD concentrate eliminates the risks associated with smoking grass and delivers all the good qualities directly to your bloodstream. It is easier on your lungs, more immediate than edibles, and offers the user a chance to appreciate the enticing flavours of marijuana that are otherwise clouded by burning the herb.

What Are The Strongest Cannabis Strains?

What Are The Strongest Cannabis Strains?

Girl scout cookies, purple diesel, grand master kush, death bubba….cannabis strains can be a mystery to the uninitiated. Each one has its own unique characteristics, taste, colour, and most importantly, a different effect on our bodies.  Figuring out your favourite strain is part of the fun.

And for many users, once they’ve developed some tolerance for cannabis, strong strains start to appeal. If you’re looking for an intense high, there’s no shortage of options on the market these days. The strength of cannabis strains has increased on average from 4% in 1995 to 12% in 2014!

That’s some potent weed, and it’s not for everyone. But if you want to experiment with strong cannabis strains, here’s a guide to some of the classic, strongest options on the market today.

What Makes a Strong Strain of Weed?

Cannabis has lots of different effects on our bodies and mind. These effects are caused by a group of chemicals called cannabinoids that are found in all cannabis plants. The most common cannabinoids are THC and CBD, although there are up to 100 more.

CBD mostly affects our bodies, reducing pain and inflammation and leaving us feeling relaxed and calm. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis – the euphoric high that many users are looking for.

So when people talk about “strong” strains of weed, they usually mean high-THC strains that have strong psychoactive effects. So how come some strains are stronger than others?

Each strain of weed you see for sale – from girl scout cookies to purple haze – has been bred to have specific properties. Every strain will have a different amount of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids, as well as other important chemicals called terpenes.

So the strength of a strain will depend on its genetics, but also on the environment where it was grown. How high you get will also be influenced by how you choose to consume your cannabis, your environment, and your personal tolerance levels.

What Does It Feel Like To Use a Strong Cannabis Strain?

Potent, high-THC strains have strong psychoactive effects. You’ll feel a sense of euphoria, intoxication, and elation. You’ll likely also notice your cognition, memory, and perception of time are altered. For regular users with a high tolerance, using a strong strain can provide the intense high that they’re looking for.

For less experienced users or those with a lower tolerance, a strong strain can be a less positive experience. Anxiety, paranoia, and a sense of panic can be unpleasant side effects of a high-THC strain. While not seriously dangerous, it can be very uncomfortable and overwhelming to overdo it on strong cannabis strains.

Tips for Trying The Strongest Cannabis Strains

Because strong strains almost guarantee an intense experience, it’s worth taking into account some safety tips before you use, to avoid a bad high:

  • Start small! You probably won’t want to use as much as you normally would if you’re chosen a stronger strain. There’s no harm in starting with a small amount and seeing how you feel.
  • Don’t use high-THC strains all the time. There’s some evidence that high-THC strains have stronger links to psychosis and are more addictive. So save these strong strains for special occasions.
  • Think about how you consume. For example, dabbing is more intense than smoking, so dabbing a high-THC strain will be even more intense. It’s best to choose a method of consumption that you’re comfortable with, and where you can manage your dose carefully
  • Choose a safe environment. To limit the negative side effects of a serious high, consume in a place you feel comfortable, with people who you trust. Make sure you have some water on hand and don’t mix your weed with alcohol.

The Strongest Strains of Weed in Canada


With all that in mind, here are five classic strong strains of weed for you to explore:

1.  Girl Scout Cookies/GSC

Girl Scout Cookies, with its purple leaves and orange hairs, is a Cannabis Cup-winning strain that has recorded THC levels of up to 28%. It’s known for an intense euphoria and sense of relaxation and is a hybrid strain with a sweet smell and taste. GSC also has powerful medical benefits and is used for treating pain and inflammation, as well as depression.

2.  Sour Diesel

As the name suggests, Sour Diesel has a chemical aroma like gasoline. That hasn’t hurt the popularity of this sativa strain. The high from Sour Diesel is a “head high”: very euphoric, creative, and energetic. Its THC content sits around 21-24%, which is plenty, and the high can be overwhelming for new users.

3.  Bruce Banner

Any strain named after the Incredible Hulk is going to pack a punch, and Bruce Banner lives up to its namesake. With THC content up to a whopping 30%, this isn’t a strain to take lightly. Bruce Banner is a hybrid strain, which gives a relaxing body high in addition to the initial euphoria. It’s also a good painkiller and often used to treat depression and anxiety.

4.  Godfather OG

Godfather OG is an indica strain known for its extremely relaxing effects: couch-lock is a real possibility here. It has strong sedative effects and can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and stress. With an average THC content of 25%, Godfather OG offers an intense high and is a favourite with users looking to mellow out completely.

5.  Gorilla Glue

Gorilla Glue is a strain that appeared in 2016 and has up to 28% THC content. It’s a 50/50 hybrid with an initial euphoric high followed by intense relaxation. Another sedative strain, Gorilla Glue is often used to treat insomnia and anxiety. It can be a bit overwhelming for new users, and some people might experience paranoia or anxiety the first time they try it.

Start Exploring Strong Cannabis Strains For Yourself

As cannabis strains get stronger and stronger, more users are drawn to the intense highs they offer. It’s definitely worth taking it easy when you first start exploring strong cannabis for yourself. You might be surprised by just how strong the effects are, especially if you’re used to more mellow strains.

But there’s lots to be said for the all-encompassing experience of a truly intense high. Whether you’re looking for stress relief, euphoria, or just to forget the world for a bit, these strong strains like girl scout cookies and purple punch can offer an unforgettable experience. There’s plenty more where they came from too: don’t just stick to our recommendations. Explore the many strains of weed you can now buy online in Canada, and find your favourites for yourself.

How Does CBD Oil Work for Migraine Treatment?

How Does CBD Oil Work for Migraine Treatment?

Medical marijuana in Canada is an exciting and rapidly growing industry. Since legalization, more Canadians are gaining access to the potential medical benefits of cannabis. Those suffering from chronic pain, recovering from injuries, or receiving chemotherapy can all benefit from the pain-relieving properties of medical marijuana.

CBD oil, and other cannabis products, are increasingly being used to treat migraines too. There’s a slowly growing body of evidence that suggests it could be very beneficial. As all sufferers will know, migraines are no joke. And any safe product that can offer relief is an exciting prospect.

So if you’re considering using CBD oil to treat a migraine, here’s what we know (and don’t know) about how it works.

What Is a Migraine?

A migraine is a severe headache that can last between 4 and 72 hours. Most migraine-sufferers experience a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light are also common side effects. As you can imagine, these symptoms can really disrupt your daily activities.

Many people start to experience migraines in childhood, and continue to suffer from them throughout their lives. They can be triggered by certain foods or drinks, hormonal changes, stress, or even changes to the weather.

Traditional Migraine Treatments

There’s a wide range of medications available on the market to treat the symptoms of a migraine. However, not all of them are suitable for everyone (for example, if you have high blood pressure or are at risk of stroke). And some have side effects that many patients don’t want to risk.

Opioids are sometimes used to treat severe migraines – but as we know, opioids are extremely addictive. Even over-the-counter drugs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, can be damaging to your stomach and liver if taken for long periods of time. It’s no wonder then, that CBD oil has begun to emerge as a promising treatment for migraines.

Can CBD Oil Improve Migraine Symptoms?

Over the last few years, medical marijuana in Canada and elsewhere has grown more and more popular. However, often the scientific research lags behind the anecdotal evidence – and the same is true for using CBD oil  to treat migraines.

However, there are some studies that suggest medical marijuana can help lessen the pain and severity of migraines. For example, this research paper from 2016 showed that migraine frequency reduced from 10.4 to 4.6 headaches per month with use of medical marijuana. And this study found that many patients were able to replace prescription opioids with medical marijuana.

How Does Cannabis Affect our Bodies?

So how does it work? All cannabis affects our body by interacting with our endocannabinoid system. This group of receptors, found throughout our body, was only discovered fairly recently, and still isn’t very well understood. We have cannabinoid receptors in our brains, immune system, and our nervous system.

Cannabis contains chemicals called cannabinoids that are similar to natural chemicals in our body. When we ingest these cannabinoids, they interact with our endocannabinoid system, changing the sensations we feel.

How Can CBD Treat a Migraine?

CBD (or cannabidiol) is one of the most common cannabinoids found in most strains of marijuana. Scientists don’t yet know exactly how it interacts with our cannabinoid system. But we do know it has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects throughout the body. It’s also worth noting that CBD isn’t psychoactive – which means it won’t doesn’t get you high.

So, although we don’t know for sure, it seems those anti-inflammatory and pain-relief properties of CBD could help treat migraines. There’s a lot more research needed here. But the good news is, CBD oil has very few side effects, so it’s okay to try it out and see if it works to relieve your migraine symptoms.

How To Use Cannabis to Treat Migraines

There are lots of different ways to use cannabis to treat migraines. Smoking, vaping, edibles, and CBD oil will all have similar effects. Which method you choose will depend on your personal preferences, tolerance, and migraine symptoms. A few things to consider are:

1.   THC vs CBD

CBD is known for its pain relieving properties, and like we mentioned, isn’t psychoactive. THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol) is the other most common cannabinoid in weed. It is psychoactive, so any product with THC will get you high.

It also has additional pain relieving effects, so you might want to experiment with different strains to find the right mix for you. Bear in mind though, that if you want to relieve migraine symptoms and go about your daily life, a CBD-dominant product (like CBD oil or CBD edibles) might be better for you.

2.   Method of Consumption

Some medical marijuana patients in Canada prefer smoking or vaping. These methods provide more instant relief. They also typically involve consuming dried cannabis flower, which can have a full cannabinoid profile and therefore potentially a more potent effect.

Others prefer edibles or oils that dissolve under your tongue. These methods can take a while to have an effect, but it can be easier to manage your dose than with smoking. This is especially true in Canada, where medical marijuana is regulated by Health Canada, so you can be sure that the dose on the packet is what you’ll receive.

3.   Dosage

Because using medical marijuana to treat headaches isn’t well understood, there’s no clear guidance on dosage. The right dose for you will depend on your tolerance, familiarity with CBD products, and your natural body chemistry. We’d recommend starting small and working up from there.

4.   Side Effects

There are very few known side effects of CBD oil or edibles when used for medical marijuana. Especially compared to over over-the-counter and prescription drugs, CBD is safe and has limited side-effects. Some people do experience nausea and drowsiness though.

And of course, if you take too much, you could experience “greening out”. While not particularly dangerous, it can be an unpleasant experience – so, like we said, start small.

CBD Migraine Treatment: Cause for Optimism

If you’ve suffered from migraines throughout your life, any potential new treatment is a cause for excitement. And CBD oil is especially exciting because it is safe, has few side effects, and is easily accessible throughout Canada. Medical marijuana is now safely available online, so you can experiment with finding the right product and dose to ease the pain of regular migraines, and get back to regular li

Learn About the Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Learn About the Medical Benefits of Marijuana

The first recorded use of medicinal cannabis occurred in 2700 BC in ancient China. It was initially used to combat conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria, and even absent-mindedness. As it spread across the globe, its range of medicinal benefits increased in kind. The availability of medical marijuana in Canada means that we can now avail of a host of benefits that few other forms of medications can match. Here are some of the principal benefits of cannabis in treating several well-known conditions.

Medical Marijuana as a Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is one of those conditions that responds very well to cannabis treatment. The secret lies in the ability of cannabis to manage pain symptoms, something that those afflicted with severe forms of arthritis find particularly debilitating.

In addition to quelling pain, the CBD present in medical marijuana can also help reduce inflammation and promote sleep. With its multifaceted mechanisms of action, many patients find cannabis to be an essential ally in treating the symptoms of this debilitating condition.

Glaucoma Treatment With Medical Marijuana

Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure in the eyeball and poses a danger to the delicate optic nerve. In severe cases, it can even cause a loss of vision. Studies carried out in the 1970s showed that cannabis can help lower the intraocular pressure in those afflicted with the condition. In certain severe cases, this may prevent inevitable blindness.

Cannabis For Seizure Control

Cannabis is highly effective in suppressing seizures and is often much more effective than pharmaceutical interventions. One of the most well-known cases of using marijuana to control seizures was with Charlotte Figi, a young American girl who suffered from a severe form of epilepsy. Charlotte experienced up to 300 epileptic seizures per month before medicating with cannabis. After administering a high CBD strain that became known as Charlotte’s Web, her seizures reduced to one per month.

How Medical Marijuana Helps Treat Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that leads to symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, and anemia, among others.

While cannabis doesn’t cure Chron’s disease outright, several studies suggest that it can reduce the symptoms and enhance the quality of life of patients. The primary mechanism of action of cannabis as it relates to Crohn’s is its anti-inflammatory properties. Its ability to quell inflammation works synergistically with its ability to diminish pain and increase appetite, three factors that serve to enhance the life of anyone afflicted with Crohn’s disease.

Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Anxiety

Anxiety is a complex condition, the roots of which often run deep in those affected. Cannabis tends to impart an increased sense of calm, improved relaxation, and better sleep. When it comes to treating anxiety with cannabis, the choice of strain is of particular importance. Scientific and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD is helpful, and many patients choose strains with a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC.

While the evidence suggests benefits to using cannabis as a treatment for anxiety, strains that are too high in THC with little to no CBD may amplify any underlying anxiety and worsen symptoms.

Cannabis As an Appetite Stimulant

For patients undergoing intense bouts of chemotherapy, one of the common side-effects is reduced appetite and increased nausea. When already weak patients can’t nourish themselves with wholesome food, it places additional strain on the recovery process.

THC is particularly useful in working as an appetite stimulant while also decreasing pain and nausea. Cannabis is widely prescribed to chemo patients and undoubtedly helps promote the healing process by enhancing appetite among recovering patients.

Cannabis and PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by prior experience with traumatic events. It’s particularly common among veterans returning from war zones, and those afflicted often re-experience the traumatizing events in vivid detail, something that provokes an intense bodily stress response.

Research suggests that those afflicted with PTSD have low levels of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid produced within the body with a remarkably similar structure to THC. When THC is administered, the subsequent binding with the CB1 receptors deactivates the traumatic memories among patients. When consumed in conjunction with CBD, its anti-anxiety and calming effects complement the THC, placing patients in a calm state, and liberating them temporarily from the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.

How Medical Marijuana Helps with ADHD/ADD

Those who have ADHD and ADD often have trouble focusing on the task at hand. Cannabis can be particularly effective at helping people maintain focus and productivity.

ADHD and ADD are closely related to a dopamine deficit in the brain. Medications like Adderall and Ritalin stimulate dopamine and promote concentrations. But these gains often come with a host of unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms.

For its part, cannabis seems to interact with the brain’s dopamine production and increases its availability. Cannabis also appears to induce a mental slowdown that prevents patients from becoming overwhelmed by sensory input. Strain choice is very much personal preference when it comes to treating ADHD and ADD. Some report success with high THC strains, while others need to balance out the effects of THC with some CBD.

Pain Reduction in Multiple Sclerosis

Many of those afflicted with multiple sclerosis find medical marijuana hugely beneficial in controlling the pain symptoms. Research demonstrates the pain-relieving properties of THC, and when it comes to multiple sclerosis, it can help alleviate the pain associated with painful muscle contractions.

How Cannabis Reduces Tremors in Parkinson’s Patients

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder that deteriorates with time. There is no known cure for this disease, and patients often suffer from uncontrollable tremors, pain, and difficulty sleeping. Studies show that medical cannabis plays an important role in protecting against the neurodegeneration commonly observed with Parkinson’s disease. Cannabis also seems to help improve motor skills among patients and reduce the uncontrollable tremors that many experience.

Medical Marijuana in Canada

At Pure Canna, we stock a wide range of cannabis products to treat the above conditions and many more. Between concentrates, edibles, tinctures, and cannabis flower, our extensive line of cannabis products are sure to fit your preferred method of administration.

Cannabis contains hundreds of compounds, each of which acts synergistically with other plant compounds to produce wide-ranging effects. Science is slowly coming to understand and explain the various mechanisms of action of cannabis. And as scientists slowly uncover the workings of this miraculous plant, the future for medical marijuana in Canada seems bright.