Cannabis 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Marijuana

Cannabis 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Marijuana

Cannabis is everywhere, and it’s hard to ignore given its status as one of the most widely used substances within Canada. Nearly half of Canadians reported having used marijuana at some point in their lives!

With the ability to buy recreational weed online, many Canadians are incorporating marijuana into their lifestyles. Given its popularity, those new to the marijuana scene and existing cannabis connoisseurs may be interested in growing their knowledge of the substance.

History of Weed in Canada

Canadians have been using cannabis for decades, though only legally since 2018. Canada was the second country in the world to legalize its possession and non-medical use. For much of the past century, the use of marijuana was considered a criminal offense under the law in Canada.

Since its legalization, cannabis has become increasingly popular. This popularity is partially credited to the growing accessibility of weed, as buying recreational weed online is easy in Canada. The increase of reputable information on the effects of marijuana and its benefits has also encouraged more Canadians to incorporate cannabis into their lifestyles.

The Effects of Marijuana

Depending on the method of consumption, cannabis offers a variety of effects on the user. Overall, the psychoactive ingredient in weed (called THC) stimulates the area of the brain that responds to pleasure. As a result, dopamine is released, which gives the user a relaxed and even euphoric experience. Many experience an increased appetite.

Smoking weed delivers the quickest effects. When you smoke and inhale marijuana into the lungs, the drug quickly releases into the bloodstream, giving you the feeling of being high. It will take longer to feel the effects from other consumption methods like eating weed-infused edibles or drinking infused beverages.

Medical Benefits of Weed

The list of medical benefits to cannabis is ever-growing, as research in this area is continually evolving since its legalization in Canada. The most common use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is for pain control. While it may not be strong enough to manage severe pain cases, it can be an effective treatment option for those who experience chronic pain. For many, this is an attractive alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals that come with a long list of potentially harmful side effects.

There is also substantial evidence that marijuana can effectively treat symptoms of nausea. Many patients who endure chemotherapy rounds use cannabis to help alleviate nausea and vomiting caused by the treatments.

The Side Effects of Weed

As with any recreational or medical drug, there are potential side effects that come with the use of cannabis. While most marijuana users have an overall positive experience, some may experience unwanted effects such as anxiety or paranoia. Those new to consuming cannabis can help manage these symptoms by starting with a lower dose and working towards an enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Buy Recreational Weed Online in Canada

Purchasing weed is as simple as adding something to your online shopping cart. With reputable online dispensaries, you can choose cannabis products for smoking, vaping, or eating that are appealing to you and offer your desired experience. Browsing an online dispensary for marijuana and weed-infused edibles is a great way to research products and be informed before buying.

What Are The Strongest Cannabis Strains?

What Are The Strongest Cannabis Strains?

Girl scout cookies, purple diesel, grand master kush, death bubba….cannabis strains can be a mystery to the uninitiated. Each one has its own unique characteristics, taste, colour, and most importantly, a different effect on our bodies.  Figuring out your favourite strain is part of the fun.

And for many users, once they’ve developed some tolerance for cannabis, strong strains start to appeal. If you’re looking for an intense high, there’s no shortage of options on the market these days. The strength of cannabis strains has increased on average from 4% in 1995 to 12% in 2014!

That’s some potent weed, and it’s not for everyone. But if you want to experiment with strong cannabis strains, here’s a guide to some of the classic, strongest options on the market today.

What Makes a Strong Strain of Weed?

Cannabis has lots of different effects on our bodies and mind. These effects are caused by a group of chemicals called cannabinoids that are found in all cannabis plants. The most common cannabinoids are THC and CBD, although there are up to 100 more.

CBD mostly affects our bodies, reducing pain and inflammation and leaving us feeling relaxed and calm. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis – the euphoric high that many users are looking for.

So when people talk about “strong” strains of weed, they usually mean high-THC strains that have strong psychoactive effects. So how come some strains are stronger than others?

Each strain of weed you see for sale – from girl scout cookies to purple haze – has been bred to have specific properties. Every strain will have a different amount of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids, as well as other important chemicals called terpenes.

So the strength of a strain will depend on its genetics, but also on the environment where it was grown. How high you get will also be influenced by how you choose to consume your cannabis, your environment, and your personal tolerance levels.

What Does It Feel Like To Use a Strong Cannabis Strain?

Potent, high-THC strains have strong psychoactive effects. You’ll feel a sense of euphoria, intoxication, and elation. You’ll likely also notice your cognition, memory, and perception of time are altered. For regular users with a high tolerance, using a strong strain can provide the intense high that they’re looking for.

For less experienced users or those with a lower tolerance, a strong strain can be a less positive experience. Anxiety, paranoia, and a sense of panic can be unpleasant side effects of a high-THC strain. While not seriously dangerous, it can be very uncomfortable and overwhelming to overdo it on strong cannabis strains.

Tips for Trying The Strongest Cannabis Strains

Because strong strains almost guarantee an intense experience, it’s worth taking into account some safety tips before you use, to avoid a bad high:

  • Start small! You probably won’t want to use as much as you normally would if you’re chosen a stronger strain. There’s no harm in starting with a small amount and seeing how you feel.
  • Don’t use high-THC strains all the time. There’s some evidence that high-THC strains have stronger links to psychosis and are more addictive. So save these strong strains for special occasions.
  • Think about how you consume. For example, dabbing is more intense than smoking, so dabbing a high-THC strain will be even more intense. It’s best to choose a method of consumption that you’re comfortable with, and where you can manage your dose carefully
  • Choose a safe environment. To limit the negative side effects of a serious high, consume in a place you feel comfortable, with people who you trust. Make sure you have some water on hand and don’t mix your weed with alcohol.

The Strongest Strains of Weed in Canada


With all that in mind, here are five classic strong strains of weed for you to explore:

1.  Girl Scout Cookies/GSC

Girl Scout Cookies, with its purple leaves and orange hairs, is a Cannabis Cup-winning strain that has recorded THC levels of up to 28%. It’s known for an intense euphoria and sense of relaxation and is a hybrid strain with a sweet smell and taste. GSC also has powerful medical benefits and is used for treating pain and inflammation, as well as depression.

2.  Sour Diesel

As the name suggests, Sour Diesel has a chemical aroma like gasoline. That hasn’t hurt the popularity of this sativa strain. The high from Sour Diesel is a “head high”: very euphoric, creative, and energetic. Its THC content sits around 21-24%, which is plenty, and the high can be overwhelming for new users.

3.  Bruce Banner

Any strain named after the Incredible Hulk is going to pack a punch, and Bruce Banner lives up to its namesake. With THC content up to a whopping 30%, this isn’t a strain to take lightly. Bruce Banner is a hybrid strain, which gives a relaxing body high in addition to the initial euphoria. It’s also a good painkiller and often used to treat depression and anxiety.

4.  Godfather OG

Godfather OG is an indica strain known for its extremely relaxing effects: couch-lock is a real possibility here. It has strong sedative effects and can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and stress. With an average THC content of 25%, Godfather OG offers an intense high and is a favourite with users looking to mellow out completely.

5.  Gorilla Glue

Gorilla Glue is a strain that appeared in 2016 and has up to 28% THC content. It’s a 50/50 hybrid with an initial euphoric high followed by intense relaxation. Another sedative strain, Gorilla Glue is often used to treat insomnia and anxiety. It can be a bit overwhelming for new users, and some people might experience paranoia or anxiety the first time they try it.

Start Exploring Strong Cannabis Strains For Yourself

As cannabis strains get stronger and stronger, more users are drawn to the intense highs they offer. It’s definitely worth taking it easy when you first start exploring strong cannabis for yourself. You might be surprised by just how strong the effects are, especially if you’re used to more mellow strains.

But there’s lots to be said for the all-encompassing experience of a truly intense high. Whether you’re looking for stress relief, euphoria, or just to forget the world for a bit, these strong strains like girl scout cookies and purple punch can offer an unforgettable experience. There’s plenty more where they came from too: don’t just stick to our recommendations. Explore the many strains of weed you can now buy online in Canada, and find your favourites for yourself.

How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In?

How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In?

Have you ever seen weed edibles for sale at a dispensary and wondered what they were all about? They look like such harmless little goodies, you wonder if one itty bitty morsel could really pack that much of a punch. Well, they can, and they do!

Edibles are a fantastic way to consume cannabis but maybe less familiar to some than smoking. They operate slightly differently in the body and have a more varied outcome than smoking marijuana due to the nature of digesting them. Here we will answer a few questions, like how edibles work and how long they take to kick in.

What Are Edibles?

The term “edibles” refers to cannabis forms that you ingest (eat) rather than inhale. They often come in the form of chews, gummy bears, lollipops, chocolates, mints, cookies, and so on. Edibles also include products like marijuana tea, beverages, and infused honey. Even using shake to make tea falls into the edible category.

Commercial edibles (like what you would buy at a dispensary) are typically made using cannabis concentrates, such as hash oil, distillates, or infused oils or butter. The oil/butter is then carefully measured and incorporated into a recipe. The final products are portioned appropriately for a reasonable dose per serving.


Homemade “loaded” baked goods are edibles as well, but dosages are harder to measure. It is worthwhile finding weed edibles for sale at a dispensary, where dosages are accurately measured and reliable.

Why Take Edibles?

Edibles are a good choice over smoking in situations that require subtlety when rolling in stinking like a skunk might be less than ideal for your social standing. They tend to be more potent and long-lasting, which is ideal for certain applications (like helping with sleep) but inadvisable for others. You still get red eyes and pasties, so if subtlety is the name of the game, be sure to dose appropriately (more on this below).

If you have an ongoing lung condition, or even if you have a cough and want to be kind to your respiratory system, edibles are a great way to gain the benefits of cannabis without inhaling smoke. While cannabis is a bronchodilator, the carcinogens from burning the plant matter can be tough on the lungs. THC taken in edible form can even give relief to asthma patients due to its effects on cannabinoid receptors in the lungs.

How Edibles Absorb Into The Body

The obvious answer is: through the mouth! But clearly, there’s much more to it than that.

The process of digestion begins in the mouth. Aside from the mechanical process of chewing, chemical breakdown starts with the saliva. When you put food in your mouth, or even just before, you begin to salivate. The saliva begins the breakdown process for starches, including sugars.

Edibles like mints or hard candies that dissolve in the mouth will be integrated faster than foods that go to the stomach for breakdown. This sublingual absorption sends the THC directly to the bloodstream without having to be digested by the stomach.

If you are eating more food-like edibles (gummies, brownies, etc.), these will be sent to the stomach for digestion and integration. They travel through the digestive tract and are then metabolized by the liver.

Edibles react differently in the body than inhaling marijuana because the liver breaks the THC down into a different form than smoking does. Smoked or vaped THC presents in the body as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and gives the headier, shorter-lived high. Ingested THC turns into 11-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is longer-lasting and more sedative.

How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In?

The lag time for edibles varies from person to person and is subject to many outside factors. A person’s metabolism has a lot to do with absorption time, as well as the amount of food you have in your stomach. Consuming fats with edibles makes for a more effective absorption rate and can help hasten the process. Some even claim that exercise makes edibles metabolize faster.

Typically, digested edibles will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. Really strong edibles might begin to take effect sooner, in which case you’ll hope you didn’t take too big a serving! Effects typically peak within the first 3 hours and can last for up to 8 – 12 hours.

Sublingual candies or drops will usually begin to work within 20 minutes. However, since they go directly to the bloodstream and bypass the liver breakdown process, the THC is still in the delta-9-THC form. This form will act faster but also end sooner. Usually, cannabis in this form is taken in smaller and more frequent doses.

How to Take Edibles Safely

The best way to start your edible journey is to find weed edibles for sale at a reliable dispensary. Manufactured edibles are accurately dosed and tested, which is especially crucial if you’re just starting to experiment. You can always eat more, but you can’t eat less!

The general rule of thumb with edibles is: Start low and go slow! A good starting dose for someone with a low tolerance (i.e. someone who doesn’t regularly consume cannabis products) would be a 2.5-milligram serving. Someone who tokes on the regular could start with a 5-7 milligram dose and take it from there.

It is best to wait two hours for the effects of the edibles. If, after that time, you aren’t getting the desired results, try taking another small portion.

Don’t take edibles on an empty stomach. They may process quicker this way, but it might give side effects like a stomach ache or a less pleasant high. If you must take edibles on an empty stomach, be sure to start with a smaller dose and drink plenty of water. People suffering from IBS or other digestive sensitivities may want to steer clear of edibles to avoid further irritation of their digestive tract.

The Magic of Edibles!

With an absorption rate nearly double that of inhaled marijuana, edibles give you lots of bang for your buck. There are all kinds of flavours and forms to check out and find what appeals to you most. If you’re interested in trying your hand or creating a custom flavour, check out our guide to making edibles from distillates.

Whichever route you decide to take, remember to start low and go slow. Finding a balance with edibles can be a longer-lasting and healthier alternative to smoking marijuana. Plus, you get to snack on a tasty little vittle to get high – can it get any better?


What Are the Side Effects of Edibles?

What Are the Side Effects of Edibles?

This is another article by My Pure Canna site on the side effects of edibles that will ride you to long-term side effects of edibles and side effects of weed edibles.

Before anything else, we are supposed to understand what is edibles? so,

What are edibles? Accessible in many types of edibles incorporate prepared merchandise, confections, chocolates, and drinks, Edibles are food items that contain marijuana. Many individuals believe edibles to be a protected and cautious way of taking marijuana.

With weed edibles for sale across Canada, the public can now benefit from this convenient form of consumption. The benefits of edibles are well-documented, but what are the side effects that some experience with edible ingestion?

Common Side Effects of Weed Edibles

Most people can consume cannabis without experiencing any adverse side effects. But for some individuals, it’s not always plain sailing. Between a dry mouth, anxiety, paranoia, and the more intense high associated with edible ingestion, edibles can sometimes become unpleasant for some.

It’s often due to a low tolerance coupled with an excessive dose, but in some instances, people are simply more susceptible to the side effects of edibles when compared to smoked or vaped forms of cannabis.

Following are the various side effects of weed edibles, Let’s visit my homepage. 

Effect on body

  • Drowsiness
  • Impaired motor ability
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Vomiting
  • Hallucinations

Effect of mind

Effect of lung capabilities

  • Respiratory depression
  • Heart problems

Weed Hangovers

  • One of the most common side effects of edibles is the hangover. It’s similar to a standard weed hangover but is often more intense due to the nature of edibles. They’re a much more potent source of THC, and when we consume too much too late, we’re more likely to feel groggy the next morning.
  • Edibles are much longer-lasting than smoked or vaped forms of cannabis. With more intense effects lasting upwards of eight hours or more, this heightens the risk of a hangover when we consume too much.
  • The scientific data on weed hangovers isn’t conclusive which further causes a bad reaction to edibles. Some studies suggest it’s a thing, while others suggest that the groggy symptoms may be due to something else. Regardless, anecdotal evidence suggests that with increased edible doses, people sometimes tend to rise with mental fog and fatigue upon waking up.

Cottonmouth after Consuming Weed Edibles

  • Cottonmouth is a common side effect of cannabis consumption and is particularly common with edibles. Contrary to popular belief, dehydration isn’t the reason behind this. THC binds to our salivary glands and prevents the production of saliva after ingestion.
  • These symptoms can also spread to the eyes where increased reddening appears as the tear glands stop working optimally. With limited function, it leads to a decreased blink rate, which only serves to accentuate the problem.
  • As is usually the case, the larger the dose, the more serious the symptoms which letter leads to a bad reaction to edibles. Although they never become dangerous, they’re certainly inconvenient to experience.

Anxiety and Paranoia With Marijuana Edibles

Anxiety and paranoia are two common side effects among patients who either consume far too high a dose or have underlying issues that a cannabis edible merely bring to the surface. Such side effects are much more likely with high-THC consumption and a lack of CBD to balance out the effects.

  • While it can be a frightening and disorientating experience, such side effects are likely to be transitory and will usually pass within a few hours.
  • The intensity of any anxiety or paranoia often relates to dose size. The higher the dose, the more likely you are to experience such negative side effects.

What to do:

If you’re inexperienced with edible consumption, start with a low dose and gradually work up to a functional dose. 10 mg represents a standard edible dose, but it’s not uncommon for this to be too much for beginners who are more susceptible to anxiety or paranoia. 2.5mg of THC is a good starting dose for those who prefer to dip their feet into the water slowly.


Edibles Provide A Longer-lasting and More Intense High

  • By and large, edibles are much more potent than smoked or vaped forms of cannabis. The onset time is more prolonged, but once they kick in, the effects often ramp up and stay elevated for several hours.
  • The danger associated with edible consumption and its long term side effects of edibles is that patients re-dose before the first dose has taken effect. Depending on your metabolism and how much food is in your stomach at the time of ingestion, it can take up to two hours for an edible to take effect.

What to do:

If you’re starting out, make sure you get to know your own body by allowing for full absorption before redosing. The last thing you’ll want is to re-dose only for the effects to finally hit an hour later. Remember, you can always eat more, but there’s not much you can do if the effects come on too strong.

The increased potency of edibles

  • The reason for the increased potency of edibles is in how the body processes THC.
  • The THC present in edibles converts in the liver to the more potent form known as 11-Hydroxy-THC. This form of THC interacts very differently within the body and produces more intense effects that last a lot longer than
  • the Delta 9 THC present in smoked or vaped forms of cannabis.

Hallucinations With Marijuana Edibles

  • Hallucinations are more commonly associated with psychedelics. But when ingested in sufficiently high quantities, hallucinations can be a common side-effect of edible forms of cannabis.
  • In his book, Confessions of a Hasheesh Eater, Fitz Hugh Ludlow describes using hashish to induce altered states of consciousness to explore more deeply the nature of the unconscious mind. While this may have merit, very few cannabis consumers are looking for such profound experiences.
  • High-dose edibles and a sufficiently low tolerance are likely to induce hallucinations that could become frightening and overwhelming.

Cannabis Edibles and Lethargy

Some people report bouts of lethargy after the effects of edible wear-off. Such side effects are unwelcome if you have to work or otherwise maintain focus and concentration. If you find you’re susceptible to lethargy after consuming an edible, then it’s best to wait until evening or weekends before consuming them.

Weed Edibles for Sale in Canada

At Pure Canna, we’ve got an extensive stock of weed edibles for sale. With CBD and THC varieties, they come in a range of delicious flavors in doses ranging from 10mg to 20mg and come in both Indica and Sativa varieties.

While the side effects mentioned above can occur, the truth is that with responsible consumption, there’s very little that can go wrong. Ensure you start out with a lower dose and feel free to bring some CBD into the mix should any anxiety symptoms begin to appear. CBD tends to counteract THC’s psychoactive effects and can help you navigate a negative experience much more effectively.

Summarizing the whole article for you: What are the side effects of edibles?

The impacts of edibles may not arise for as long as 3 hours after ingestion, and there is a danger of excess. Alongside that Long-term, regular utilization of marijuana can likewise effectively affect mental and actual wellbeing.

Be that as it may, individuals should practice alert when utilizing edibles, particularly interestingly.